
Culinary adventures from around the world

Chicken Enchiladas October 2, 2011

Filed under: Main Dish — meb926 @ 1:00 pm

Well, after amazing French cooking over my birthday weekend, I felt rather inadequate to even attempt delicously buttery, flacky croissants or heavy, gooey cheese fondue (two of the culinary highlights of the weekend).  Ok, well actually, I’ve just been so busy with starting work that I haven’t had time to post.  Never fear–we did eat this week.  I can’t remember what, but I’m sure it was tasty….

Anyway, Friday rolled around and it was time to take the time to enjoy cooking again, rather than rushing to put something together.  Nathan and I came home from work and were able to take time and enjoy our cooking.  I have been craving the spicy, rich flavors of Mexico lately and so we decided on Chicken Enchiladas.  A little experimentation led to this recipe…

Chicken Enchiladas

1 chicken breast
2 T lime juice
1 T olive oil
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp cilantro
1 tsp chipotle red pepper powder
1 c cottage cheese
1 pkg frozen spinach, thawed
1 can chopped black olives
5 medium tortilla shells
mozzarella cheese to top

Bake the chicken breast with 1 T lime, oil, 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp cilantro, and 1/2 tsp chipotle powder.  When cooked, shred chicken and combine with cottage cheese, spinach, olives, and remaining spices.  Stuff tortillas with filling and place in a greased pan.  Top with mozzarella cheese and bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until cheese is melted.  Top with sour cream and serve.


One Response to “Chicken Enchiladas”

  1. Yes, we were all sooo… worried that you didn’t eat all week! 🙂 We will worry no more! Your enchiladas look wonderful!

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